No No No it Ain't Me Babe
Although Shirley may sometimes think I look this rough...
One of my favorite writers. In part, I'm likely influenced by the fact that until not long ago (couple years?) he lived "just up the road"
Currently about a 3rd of the way through "True North" - only reading when at out "Cabin" as it seems fitting.

PATAGONIA, Ariz. — Jim Harrison, author of rugged, outdoorsy books like “True North” and “Legends of the Fall,”...
Follow the link - nice little profile of a giant writer
Pleasures of the Hard-Worn Life - New York Times
One of my favorite writers. In part, I'm likely influenced by the fact that until not long ago (couple years?) he lived "just up the road"
Currently about a 3rd of the way through "True North" - only reading when at out "Cabin" as it seems fitting.

PATAGONIA, Ariz. — Jim Harrison, author of rugged, outdoorsy books like “True North” and “Legends of the Fall,”...
Follow the link - nice little profile of a giant writer
Pleasures of the Hard-Worn Life - New York Times